Friday, July 29, 2011

Thing 6: Online Networks

I don't have a LinkedIn account, but I'm working on setting up my account right now. It's very easy to sign up. However, since it is a professional site and will only be used for professional purposes, I want to make sure I have everything ready for when I do sign up for my account. I don't want to start it and have things half done. Thankfully, there were examples to show me what I should be prepared for when I create my account. Also, our library recently acquired some helpful LinkedIn books, which I've been browsing for tips. I do have to say that although looking at the accounts was helpful, I also kind of felt like a schlub. Some of the lists of organizations and awards made me feel like an underachiever because I doubt mine will be nearly as impressive. I just have to remember that I've worked in libraries for 11 years in varying positions, so I definitely have the professional experience to put on my account.

In my Thing 3 post, I talked about Facebook quite a bit. Mostly, I mentioned that I keep it private. That is true, but, after thinking about it further, I do use it for professional purposes as well. I'm friends with a lot of my past and present co-workers. I also like a lot libraries, library organizations, and various other (mostly silly) pages related to libraries. Additionally, I contribute to my library's Facebook page. I'll go in and update the library's page through the library's account, but I'll also respond to people commenting on the library's page from my personal account. Doing that doesn't necessarily mean I'll friend anyone who friends me, though. Of course, I friend people, but I'm also a little leery of friending everyone that friends me.

I've read a lot about Google+, but I haven't started an account yet. After some debating and finally deciding to do it (maybe a day), I tried to log in with my Google account, and I received this kind little message, "Google+ is in limited Field Trial--Right now, we're testing with a small number of people, but it won't be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we'll make sure you're the first to know when we're ready to invite more people." So, I left my e-mail, and I'm waiting to hear back. However, considering they have 10 million people signed up already, their idea of a "limited" field trial made me laugh. Yeah, there are hundreds of millions of people on Facebook and Twitter, but that took years to reach. Also, when they reached 10 million, they were way past the field trial stage. I'm torn because I find the limiting somewhat frustrating when you have such a massive amount of people already involved. However, I'm kind of happy I'm not working the kinks out for them. Especially when I read articles like this: 5 Reasons Google+ is a Privacy Accident (Disaster?) Waiting to Happen. While not having a Google+ account to actually play around with, I'll read about others' experiences and how-to's, so I'll know what to do when I get my chance.

My silly social network that isn't professional at all. It's sort of library related. One of my shelvers told me about it and invited me to join. I just joined this week, but I'm already having fun with it! It allows me to collect even more recipes I won't make, crafts I won't create, home ideas I won't do, and places I want to travel to that I hope I eventually get to. Looking at these things and having the potential of doing these things is just as fulfilling as actually doing them sometimes. It makes the possibilities endless. Since it's all fun, there's no pressure. For someone who is a hobby-aholic, this is a pretty awesome place to be. Not into hobbies, you can also collect books, movies, fashion, celebrities--there really seems to be no end to the boards you can create. You can repin items people have pinned or you can add a new pin (link to website/photo). If you're interested, here's my account: sandrakb. Again, just started, so my boards are pretty bare, but I'm sure I'll fill them up quickly. And yes, I have an entire board dedicated to pumpkins because I'm also a pumpkin-aholic.

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