Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thing 1: Blogs and Blogging

I'm very excited about the CPD23 journey I'm beginning today! I have my friend Lauren to thank for sharing a link to CPD23 on Facebook. Without her, I don't know if I would have had the chance to partake in this blogging adventure.

In my 23 Things experience, I'm excited to learn about programs that I've heard of but haven't used (Pushnote, Evernote, RSS Feeds) as well as programs that I've never heard of before (Zotero, Prezi, Jing). Of course, I want to discover things that I can use myself, but ultimately, I hope my knowledge assists me in helping patrons without staring at them as if they have multiple heads. Aside from the different online programs we will be covering, I'm eager about Week 7: Librarianship Training Options because I do not have my Masters but hope to in the future. Week 11: Getting Involved intrigues me because I would like to just that. Lastly, Week 14: Careers and Week 15: Promoting Yourself in Job Applications and At Interview will be coinciding with my moving and looking for a new job. Well, I could potentially have a new job by then (fingers crossed), but if not, I could use all the help I can get.

Though I'm starting this blog to assist in my job and further my library education, as I said above, I will be moving in the middle of the 23 Things. In my dream of dreams, I'm hoping to jump from one library job to the next, which is what I fortunately had happen when I moved before. However, if it does not happen, which sadly could be the case, I plan to continue working with libraries in whatever way I can whether it be through volunteering or becoming a Friend of the library.

I'm starting this blog because of CPD23, but I'm going to try to use it for more than the 23 Things. I plan to blog about a multitude of things such as what I'm reading, my travels, library happenings, and life happenings. Several years ago, I had a blog that I'm quite happy I deleted. It didn't add much to either my life or the Internet. However, with this experience, I hope to remedy my first failed blogging foray.

Happy blogging to all!

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